Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why do I like Summer.

The reason why I like Summer is because we have no school on Summer break, we get to do anything we want and we can go to vacation.
        First, we have no school on Summer break. The school was a hard work to me in class. If we have no summer break on school we could have a year round school. For example, people cannot wait for summer break. Thats why Summer was my favorite season. As you can see, we have no school on Summer break.
        In addition, we get to do anything we want. Some students wants to do anything like staying home, playing video games ANYTHING!!! For example, I want to stay home and play video games or play outside to have fun. That's why I want to do anything I want. In summer break from school we can do anything we want.
        Finally, we can go to summer vacation with your family. Summer vacation are fun because we could go on rides, play at the arcades and we could go to the beach. For example, my mom took us to Great Wolf Lodge for summer vacation. It was super fun in there. Having summer break make us have fun at summer vacation.

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