Monday, October 24, 2011

My pet peeve Edward


                  My Dog Eats our people’s Food

Starting with the memory:
Looking back on last week that I got home from my school and letting my dog inside. Then I sat on the sofa watching T.V. I heard a noise at my right so I turned my head and saw my dog eating our food. It annoy's me because we couldn't have leftover food when he eats all of our food. I stopped my dog from eating our  food. Has your dog ever eaten your food?

Dogs Begging For food:
Has your dog ever begged for food ? Did your dog ever whimper so you can give them the food. Well sometimes you just have to ignore him until you finish your food. When you are done eating your food you can give him the treat. It really drives me nuts when my dog whimpers and bark for food.

One time Whisky jump on the table
When Whisky jump on the table I spray him so he can get off the table. It really annoy's me everytime Whiskey jumps on the table trying to eat our food. My pet Whisky doesn’t like sprays. Did your dog ever get on the table.

Wrapping up:
Why does my dog cannot eat his dog food? Well my dog usually smells our food so he thinks there the best. To make him eat the dog food you have to get the dog food from the bag and put it on the dog bowl. Then tell Whisky to eat the dog food so he can eat it. But it work sometimes. Has your dog ever eaten the dog food?

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